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What Are Relapse Triggers: Internal Vs External Relapse Triggers

This can be a valuable practice on days when nothing seems to be going right. A NIDA study maintains that exposure to drug-related objects may influence a former addict’s behavior. The brain registers these stimuli and processes them in the same areas involved in drug-seeking behavior. McGeehan also recommends grounding techniques, including square breathing or finger breathing, to help people return to the present moment when a trigger strikes them.

The Massachusetts Center for Addiction specializes in helping individuals understand their triggers and build the emotional skills needed for recovery. For more information or to start a treatment program, internal and external triggers reach out to our team of addiction professionals. The solution to overcoming this relapse trigger is to learn how to channel your positive feelings in a positive way, without the use of substance abuse.

Support Someone Else Struggling With Trigger Moments

This includes substance use disorders, eating disorders, and anxiety. Stress is a potent internal trigger that can significantly impact individuals in recovery. It can stem from common sources like work, personal relationships, financial concerns, and self-imposed expectations. Without healthy coping mechanisms, individuals faced with stress are more likely to relapse.

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What Is Impulse Buying? 5 Ways to Resist.

Posted: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Having a plan to get through times when your cravings are triggered will be very helpful in avoiding a relapse. If you notice a friend on social media posts images of alcohol, you can block this friend’s posts from your newsfeed. You do not necessarily need to unfriend this person, but you can update your settings to avoid seeing their posts. This may include avoiding entire neighborhoods, restaurants, stores, or the homes of certain friends.

Seeking Help for Addiction at North Georgia Recovery Center

When you aren’t fueling your body as you should, you can develop sleeping issues, headaches, and depleted energy. You may also find yourself feeling short-tempered, on edge, and emotionally unstable. When you are already struggling with regulating emotions, this can feel overwhelming. In the depths of substance use, you may have cut yourself off from friends and family, or they may have distanced themselves from you.

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